
  • A Timely Reminder: Own Your Name and Content

    As TikTok bounces up and down, a reminder: your online existence doesn’t have to be out of your control. You just need to own it.

  • Looking for a far-less-fascist place to focus your attention on Jan. 20? Join the “Banned Together” watch party! (warning: contains trace amounts of me)

  • Almost forgot my annual-at-most reminder that I have a power pop Christmas song available, with all proceeds going to The Haven For Children. Available in all of the usual places, or just listen to it at

    photo of bare, sparse tree branches with scattered christmas ornaments

  • Another Defense of Democracy Auction item, this one less-virtual: Brevard County folks, bid on a one hour in-home massage courtesy of Patrick McFadden, LMT. #FightCensorship

  • Another Defense of Democracy Auction item – how about a personalized video from insanely funny and genuinely excellent human Greg Proops (of “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”)? #FightCensorship

  • The Defense of Democracy Winter Auction is live! I’ll throw out a few of my favorite items throughout the day – how about one month of voice lessons, with a starting bid of only $30? #FightCensorship

  • Not fair that I have seemingly endless writer’s block when it comes to real songs, but I can improvise songs to and about the dogs all day and night.

  • A progress page showing Netlify in the process of deploying a repository named "my-linky-page"

    The Linky plugin home page now includes a “Deploy to Netlify” button, taking you from 0 to a live site, ready to configure.

  • I have a gig tonight. It helps that it’s a band gig, and we can distract each other from the world a bit, but… I’m not sure when I last played through this level of raw despair. This is just soul-crushing, especially as a parent.

  • Me, standing in ankle-deep water with reflected political signs.

    Packing up, where our tent had been standing on dry land a few hours earlier. See ya on Tuesday. #TeamAva

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