Raymond Chen <a href="" title=""How to find the Internet Explorer binary">takes "some people" to task</a> for "[going] to enormous lengths to locate the Internet Explorer binary". The linked poster-child? IE View.
A new twist - *outbound* link policies
So, bad enough that there are still plenty of companies out there who don’t get the whole “your URL is public. I can link to it. Now shut up.” concept.
Room 101
Remember in Orwell's 1984, the idea of "Room 101"?
Cheap Shot
Firefox Extensions as Usability Fixes
Simon Willison points out a Firefox extension to fix some of the many, many problems with the new Allmusic site.
Just a thought...
If the Aladdin hotel, or any other establishment, doesn't like what a performer says/does on stage, they are of course within their rights to ask that performer to leave, never come back, avoid hitting their ass with the door on the way out.
Unclear on the concept, II
In addition to the just-plain-off-the-mark open mike comments, others that I refrain from posting are insanely negative comments from anonymous sources, or those that are just… insane.
Unclear on the concept
Running is fun. A nice diversion, hopefully (and apparently) useful to quite a few people. And very much a result of the constant input, suggestions, submissions, corrections, etc. from those same people.
Address, please...
I had posted this as a news blurb on, but I don't really think anyone reads those. Everyone heads straight for the calendar or search.
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