Lorena Mir� has posted a new tune for your listening pleasure… it’s called Kid in a Candy Store, and some of the guitars are courtesy of yours truly. How can you tell? The acoustics: Lore. Beautiful, atmospheric, perfect-finishing-touch electrics? Brian Franklin.

Noisy caveman electric stuff and jangly bits? That would be me.

Anyway, another great song with that amazing voice. FYI, I also lent a hand (vox, guitars) on “Movies in my Head”, and some other stuff you’ll hear soon.

Sadly, no recording yet exists of Lore and I sitting on the floor singing Diane Ward covers during rough mixing.

There’s other (unrelated) things I’d like to blog about, but really, really can’t. Blind rage doesn’t always translate to enjoyable reading, anyway. But hey, here’s a verse of a new song-in-progress:

I'm sorry that this mean old world
Refuses to revolve around your pretty little head
And the only way you know
To feel you're alive
Is to make someone else wish they were dead.